Spotlight: Blaine Corbett, Volunteer New York! Summer Intern

Written on 06/14/2023
Blaine Corbett, Volunteer New York! Intern

Volunteer New York!'s Summer 2023 Intern, Blaine Corbett, shares her tips for securing an internship and finding the right volunteer opportunity. Take it away, Blaine!


My name is Blaine, and I am an intern for Volunteer New York! this summer. I live in Westchester County, and I am an undergraduate student at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University in the Bronx. Before working at Volunteer New York!, I volunteered with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and the Minutemen Colonial Athletic Club, both of which sparked my interest in the non-profit business world. I am here today to elaborate on these experiences and give some tips about the internship application process.


How I Started Volunteering

In high school, I was a member of the National Honor Society. This is an organization that recognizes high school students for their academic achievements. In order to become and stay a member, each student must maintain a 3.0 GPA (B average) and complete a certain amount of community service hours. As a junior in high school, I completed 50 hours, and as a senior I completed 40 hours. This is where I really began to enjoy volunteering and giving back to my community.


My Work with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to curing leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. LLS is currently the world’s largest non-profit health organization that funds blood cancer research.

When I was a junior in high school, my friends and I participated in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Student of the Year Campaign. This was a six- to eight-week fundraising challenge for high school students. The goal of the project was to raise money in honor of a young, local patient currently battling or in remission from blood cancer. The team that raised the most money was named Student of the Year. This experience was very enriching and taught me leadership and communication skills.


My Work with the Minutemen Colonial Athletic Club

The Minutemen Colonial Athletic Club is a non-profit athletic organization in Yonkers. The organization offers training in competitive sports, specifically basketball and soccer, to children and teenagers. Minutemen's mission is to provide support for their players so they can grow academically and athletically. The organization mandates community service to all its players, ensuring their understanding of the importance of giving back to the community.

 I worked with them in my junior and senior year of high school, and I mainly assisted with administrative tasks like organizing team rosters and schedules. This job taught me multi-tasking and organization skills that helped me immensely once I started college.



Moving onto internships and what I do currently, I am a summer intern for Volunteer New York! An internship is a short-term work experience offered to students in order to gain experience in a desired field. It is extremely beneficial to students’ professional development, and it allows them to get a feel for what their job will be like post-graduation. Internships give students a chance to strengthen and apply the skills learned in class to the real world.


The Application Process

As you begin the internship search, apps like LinkedIn and Handshake are great places to start. Take your time reading through the job description and its requirements, and make sure to keep track of any/all due dates.

Once you have decided where you would like to apply, a concise resume and a thoughtful cover letter are key. It is extremely important to craft a cover letter that is tailored toward the job you are applying for. A cover letter is used to express how you specifically qualify for the role. Even if a cover letter is not explicitly requested on the application, it is always a good idea to include one. This is usually the first thing a hiring manager will be looking at, so it is important to leave a good first impression.


The Interview Process

If you are selected to move onto the next stage of the application process, chances are you will be asked to schedule an interview. Interviews allow job recruiters to get to know you better and assess how you would fit into their company. That being said, you must prepare for interviews. This can be done by looking up common internship interview questions. Read the questions listed and practice answering them aloud.

Another helpful tip would be researching the company you are meeting with. Find out what they do, what their values are, and how you would be able to contribute. Once you have completed your research, prepare questions to ask your interviewer. This allows you to express your interest in the position.

After the interview is completed, always send your interviewer an email thanking them for meeting with you.


Dealing with Rejection

If you get rejected from an internship, do not be discouraged! Internships are extremely competitive, and recruiters often receive hundreds of applications for one role. Do not take the rejection personally and know that the right job for you is out there, but you must keep applying to find it.

(Editor's note: signing up for volunteer opportunities can help you strengthen the transferable skills you will need for your internships and future jobs!)

My Life Post-Graduation

As I mentioned previously, I am an undergraduate student at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University. I am a rising Junior, majoring in Finance and minoring in Mathematics. I am planning to apply to Fordham’s 4+1 master's degree program in Quantitative Finance in the upcoming fall. Quantitative Finance uses mathematical models to understand and analyze financial markets. Once I graduate, I hope to obtain a job in the financial field in New York City!

Thanks, Blaine!